Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday 08:00-11:00
DescriptionKompanija koja se sastoji iz 5 sektora cija je djelatnost usluzni i komercijalni sektor,Prva i osnovna djelatnost su racunari i racunarska oprema te softverOstale djelatnosti suGeneralni zastupnik za Balkan prestiznog brenda Star Ink tonera za sve vrste printera,Video nadzorna oprema i ugradnja,alarmi,vatrodojava,laka strujaUgradnja mreza,optike,servisiranjeUnutrasnji i spoljasnji led displejiAntene i uredjaji za sprecavanje kradja artikala poznatiji kao EAS sistemi,Uskoro i proizvodnja premiksa i stocne hrane iz sopstevnih pogona
We are company which have 5 sectors and main bussines is It Technologies like a sales of laptops,desktops and other computer parts,Other our sectors isGeneral importer of STAR INK toner and ink jet cartridges,Video survivelance camera and cctv also include alarm systems and otherIntegrated networks,optics and serviceIndoor and outdoor led displayand near in future we start second bussines (producing cattle mineral food)EAS systems and antithief equipment
We are company which have 5 sectors and main bussines is It Technologies like a sales of laptops,desktops and other computer parts,Other our sectors isGeneral importer of STAR INK toner and ink jet cartridges,Video survivelance camera and cctv also include alarm systems and otherIntegrated networks,optics and serviceIndoor and outdoor led displayand near in future we start second bussines (producing cattle mineral food)EAS systems and antithief equipment
Organization Type
Email goran.mircic@infocomp.ba
CityBijeljina, Srpske Vojske 2 Google map
Areas of Activities
Connecting the Region
Trazimo partnere u distribuciji proizvoda ,Cooperation,Distribution,Import-export,distributers
Distribution,logistics,support,import export,distributers
Trazimo partnere radi sirenja trzista na podrucju bivse SFRJ
Cooperation Offered
- Sales / Distribution
- Technical co-operation
Cooperation Requested
- Technical co-operation
- Sales / Distribution