Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday 08:00-11:00
The Chamber of Ioannina, operating since 1919, is an obligatory, integral and independent union of private and legal entities, which practice commercial activity in the Prefecture of Ioannina, comprises a Legal Entity of Public Law and is under the repressive administrative supervision of the Minister of Development.
The aim of the Chamber of Ioannina, is the protection and development of industry, crafts, trade and professions in the Prefecture of Ioannina, within the framework of the interests of national economy, as the economic development of the Prefecture in general. The provision of consultative recommendations, for every issue of economic content, to the Government, always having in mind the economic development of the Prefecture of Ioannina and the servicing the general interest of the national economy.
Additionally, the provision of consultative recommendations and information on every issue of economic content towards its members and other interested parties. The Chamber of Ioannina, close to the needs and the interest of its members, continuously evolves bearing in mind the rule of the provision of services, which give effective solutions to each problem that may arise to any business activity.
The Chamber of Ioannina supports and assists all sectors of business activity. As a partner, an advisor but also as a contender of better conditions and terms of business activity, the Chamber of Ioannina wants to be and is continuously useful in the efforts of its members so that they can “venture” with a strong advantage: the reliable information.
The Chamber of Ioannina in a continuous fruitful offer:
Intervenes:For the protection and development of the business world of the Prefecture of Ioannina, with advisory recommendations, memos, reports, etc. to the Ministries and the Departments of the Central Government, as well as to the authorities of the Local Societies, that is, to the General Secretariat of the Region of Epirus, the Prefectural Authority of Ioannina, the Municipalities and other Authorities of the Prefecture.
Participates: In International, European, National, Regional and Local Organizations, Working Groups, Support Structures, Committees, etc., such as: the International Chamber of Commerce, the Eurochamber, the Central Union of Chambers in Greece, the Hellenic Chambers Transport Association, the Science and Technology Park of Epirus, Committees of the General Secretariat of the Region of Epirus, Prefectural and Municipal Committees, Tax Committees, Committees of the Organisation of Work-Force Employment, Committees and Working Groups of the University of Ioannina and of the Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, etc. Organizes: Info Days, Lectures, Round Tables, Trainings, Briefings, Trade Fair Events, Business Missions, Matchmaking Events, Market Research, Studies, etc.
Provides a wide variety of services for its member: the enterprises of all sectors of activity of the region of Ioannina. Also, through the expertise of its networks (Enterprise Europe Network, Europe Direct, etc.), it also provides specialized services for international business co-operation, information on the EU policies, services for innovation and technology transfer as well as services for the encouragement of SMEs in EU programmes for Research and Technological Development.
Its mission, among others, includes: Strengthening of the competitiveness of the Greek businesses, mainly the SMEs. Support of the development of the less favored regions of the country. Promotion of innovativeness in the enterprises and of entrepreneurship in the research laboratories. Strenthening of the bonds of industry, research and investment capital. Cultivation of financial and environmental viable development and employment.
Blue technologies
Fisheries and aquaculture
Intermodal connections to the hinterland
Energy networks
The marine environment
Transnational terrestrial habitats and biodiversity
Diversified tourism offer
Sustainable and responsible tourism management (innovation and quality)
Seafood Food and drinks
Tourism offer (products and services)
Tourism with cross-sectorial approach: ICT, Mobility, Energy Efficiency, Health
Sustainable Tourism
Connecting the Region
Environmental Quality
Blue Growth
Business Opportunities in Epirus and Western Greece - Co-operation through EU programmes
The Chamber of Ioannina is interested in collaborations with other similar Organisations within the area of Adriatic - Ionian macroregion, in order to design and develop cross-border cooperation through EU funded Projects. Main emphasis will be given to strenthen and support initiatives focused on the sustainable development of the Macroregion.
• Promotion of transnational research oriented partnership requests, to corresponding targeted clients.
• Synergies with the University of Ioannina, the Science and Technology Park of Epirus and the Technological Educational Institute and the Organisation for Industrial Property, for the provision of specialized assistance on research capabilities for SMEs.
• Our Organisation has a large experience in assisting companies to accomplishing transnational commercial partnerships.
• Specialized personnel provide assistance services for company meetings and achieving co-operations.
• Use of all available Networks, tools and contacts to provide partners for our companies.
• Good knowledge of the companies in our region.
• Raising awareness on international business co-operation, its advantages for an SME and the tools available in the network to assist their clients, notably by organising match-making events based on best practice.
Our Organisation provides assistance to all enterprises who want to expand internationally and find innovative products in EU markets.
Expertise on Project Development. Chambers of Commerce and Industry, SME supporting Organisations.
- Investment/Financing
- Other
- Investment/Financing